Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Laura

Born Laura Nicole Gartner on October 27, 2011
weight: 7 lb 9 oz
height: 20 in
Yesterday she turned ONE! Where has the time gone.
weight: 17.5 lbs (weighed at home)
height: 28 in (at 9 mo)
sorry the official measurements will be on the 30th (Happy Birthday Isabelle)
Since her birthday is so close to Halloween, and mostly because we could, we had a costume party for her. Of course no one remembered that they could wear their costumes so only my kids were wearing any. Laura got a special costume for her birthday because I thought she would get cake, frosting, and ice cream all over it.

She wasn't really impressed with the cake, unfortunately. My theory is since she had just finished her lunch and didn't have room for anything else, it really was surprising. Maybe you remember the picture I posted on Facebook of her with an Oreo all over her face, we really thought she would make a perfect picture of a one year old enjoying their cake.

All the little kids enjoyed her presents (Fisher Price little kitchen) for her and she got Cheetos Puffs...all over. I would say a successful day.


  1. She is so cute! I can't believe that she's a year already. Looks like a fun party!

  2. happy birthday laura! looks like a fun party, your kids are cute and growing fast

  3. I think it was a fun party, I was busy being hostess so I didn't get to enjoy it as much as the others and definitely not as much as the little people.
