Wednesday, July 10, 2013


 Yesterday, July 9, I hosted bunco. My theme was Red, White, and Bunco of course in honor of Independence Day. The kids helped model the tables. The cup/bowl, for those of you who don't know, were for the table candy which I guess is a little silly because there were a lot of treats in the kitchen. It was really difficult to keep the kids away from the table candy because the chair allowed for perfect access to the treats.
The game started late because no one showed up on time and there is the tradition of eating first; makes sense so that we can all concentrate on the game instead of eating around the rolling of dice. Jacob, Robin, and Laura tried their best to be in the way and usually one or two of them were in my lap. Throughout the whole night they were telling stores and showing off tricks.

Just as I was finishing with clean-up duty I noticed that Jacob and Robin had crashed, which is really amazing for how much sugar they consumed. Laura on the other hand was still all smiles, so she had time to brush her teeth and get into her pajamas.

July Vacation

 Our "vacation" boiled down to the family spending a couple of days up in Payson to get out of the heat, and boy was it nice. Almost the moment we got up to Grandma's house (Matt's parents) the kids were begging to play in the sprinklers. Though Laura had us dress her in a swimsuit she refused to get near the water, even though Daddy ran through the water with her a few times. Oh well, she missed out. Jacob and Robin, Jacob especially, had enough fun to make up for Laura snugging the activity.

Day two was a sick day. Due to unknown causes Jacob spent most of the day throwing up. Even though he wasn't feeling well I think he enjoyed the love and attention he received from all of us. By mid afternoon Jacob finally got some sleep and recovered from his bug and with his renewed strength came his appetite. He ate a bowl of cereal, some Oreos, toast, a hot dog, and of course juice to wash it all down. Don't worry he didn't eat this all at once, he spread it out over a couple of hours.

 Day three was the fourth which meant neighborhood bar-b-cue and firework. One of the reasons we went up to Payson was so the kids could go fishing. Earlier in the week the kids had spotted Jacob's fishing pole and tackle box, so they were excited to fish. Of course when the time came Jacob was too scared of the water to try fishing and Laura wasn't allowed out of the stroller (though she was willing to smile big for the camera). Robin "fished" for five minutes, there just wasn't enough action. Jacob hid out by the CERT trailer because that is where Grandpa (my dad) was.
The best part for the kids about our vacation was that cousins came up for the fireworks too, so they got to play and play and play. The night ended with a few tears because when the fireworks went off it terrified poor Laura. It seems to be a tradition the my kids sleep during their first fireworks, but the next year get traumatized by them. Jacob and Robin liked the fireworks, but I think they enjoyed getting the glow sticks/bracelets best.

Day four was went we headed home. There was breakfast on the back porch, a short session of Frisbee with Jacob (he is really good at throwing that thing), and a visit from a garden snake and toad (very entertaining).