Saturday, June 28, 2014


It's been a while since I have updated this blog. Jacob finished Kindergarten! He loved it and loved his teacher (was really sad to leave her for another teacher in Fall). Robin is soooo EXCITED to be going to school in August. I worried that she wouldn't be allowed to test in for early admission to Kindergarten, or that she wouldn't be awesome enough to pass the testing. As it turns out the lady who tested her in was Jacob's Kindergarten teacher, so she has been watching her all year and already felt that she should be coming to school. Laura is thinking about potty training, but neither her nor I really feel like pushing. For about three hours after waking up (and all night) Laura is trained, she will tell us that we should take her diaper and she runs off to her potty for a deposit :) Once her sippy intake catches up with her she forgets to run to the potty until after her diaper gets wet and let's not even talk about pooping.

Now on to vacation. Matt had some unused vacation hours, use it or lose it. We decided that it was hot enough here in the valley to warrant a trip to Payson. It is 15 to 20 degrees cooler up there, need I say more. Matt has an elk hunt coming up in September, so this vacation provided the perfect opportunity to practice his archery shooting. Most of the time we watched movies, with a couple of visits to the park, a short duration of "hamster ball" (a big ball filled with air, hollowed out in the middle allowing kids to climb in a roll down a hill), and daily sprinkler frolics. We tried to go fishing a couple of times, but the fish weren't biting or there was too much crabbing to find a good spot. It was hard to go home to the heat, but vacation can't last forever and neither could our laundry go any longer without being washed. At least we still have our pvc sprinkler in the backyard.