Wednesday, July 10, 2013


 Yesterday, July 9, I hosted bunco. My theme was Red, White, and Bunco of course in honor of Independence Day. The kids helped model the tables. The cup/bowl, for those of you who don't know, were for the table candy which I guess is a little silly because there were a lot of treats in the kitchen. It was really difficult to keep the kids away from the table candy because the chair allowed for perfect access to the treats.
The game started late because no one showed up on time and there is the tradition of eating first; makes sense so that we can all concentrate on the game instead of eating around the rolling of dice. Jacob, Robin, and Laura tried their best to be in the way and usually one or two of them were in my lap. Throughout the whole night they were telling stores and showing off tricks.

Just as I was finishing with clean-up duty I noticed that Jacob and Robin had crashed, which is really amazing for how much sugar they consumed. Laura on the other hand was still all smiles, so she had time to brush her teeth and get into her pajamas.

1 comment:

  1. What a hilarious little girl. Hopefully I'll get to meet her in person someday soon!
