Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Time

There hasn't been anything too exciting going on, but I have tried to get the kids into the Christmas season. We saw the temple lights, bough a singing/dancing Santa that the kids love to play with, made lots of holiday treats (Cocoa Apple Spice Cake, fudge, sugar cookies in the shape of Gingerbread people & snowflakes), and set up two Christmas trees. My kids have also enjoyed trying on the stockings and all the santa/elf hats. I know this season is about more than the lights and goodies, but they make me so happy and I LOVE to give gifts though I am sure that my giving is more fun than people's receiving my silly things. These last few days before Christmas I hope that we can get focused more on Christ and feel the peace and love that comes with that. Forgotten Carols CDs, reading about the birth of Christ from the scripture, and quiet moments of reflection (when the kids are asleep) here I come.
The following are just some pictures of the kids from December, either being cute or being Christmas-y. Enjoy!

 Jacob cuddled up to Robin after she was asleep and fell asleep himself with his arm draped over her. So cute! Too bad they can't be so loving during the day like that.

These are the sugar cookies we decorated and I do mean we, I didn't do all of them this time. Robin shook the the sprinkles and Jacob's cookies are the ones with not much frosting. I even came up with some names for some, can you find them? Adam & Eve....Daddy (Matt)....there is a ghost...some cute little girls: Robin & Laura. Merry Christmas everyone. Hug on your loved ones, smile at some strangers, and sing at least one carol with gusto.

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