Saturday, July 25, 2015


JULY 9, It was a day like most of our good summer days, I did something out of the ordinary to make they day fun. I had filled up water balloons plus given them some buckets of water with cups and squirt guns to splash the water around. Robin and Laura were frustrated with Jacob because after the water balloons were all used he jumped in the bucket of water and wouldn't move. Being the good mom I am I went outside and ordered him out of the bucket then proceeded to dump it over his head so he couldn't continue to play in the water either. Jacob didn't let that ruin his fun, he began to splash it the small puddle before it evaporated. Robin was making faces and mocking him for no longer having the bucket to sit in. If Jacob has a bigger puddle of water or a squirt gun still he would of shot water at her/the window, but in their absence he threw a rock that was in his hand. CRACK...crackle...the door was broken. On the up side it was only the outside pane that got destroyed and it didn't fall out. Sadly, the door needs to be replaced which means the whole things must go because you can't replace only the broken part. For the price were are paying for a new door we could buy a new appliance or have replaced the carpet or kitchen floor...something like that at least. We are making Jacob pay a very small portion of the price out of his savings and, when I remember, I have him help with extra work/chores. He almost didn't get to go to Laura's "congratulations on learning the potty" party, but his not attending would mean someone else had to miss out too....I really, REALLY wanted to get to see the movie and I think I deserve one movie seen at the theater. My mother-in-law pointed out that the broken door was a great way to give a FHE lesson about the atonement because only through the power and love of another could Jacob fix what he did wrong. I really doubt that Jacob has learned to not throw rocks, but whatever. His sisters, mostly Laura, won't let him forget he did it. We keep the blinds closed and won't allow them to bring over friends or play outside until it gets fixed.  A custom sized door take time to make and ship...maybe at the start of school it will get done...over a month stuck playing inside.

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